Wednesday, May 18, 2016



The universe appears to revolve around each of us, just like a much smaller bubble, The Atom, revolves around its nucleus. 

I came to this insight when pondering the theory, offered by some physicists, that our universe is but one in a number of countless billions of bubble universe that occupy all of being. In fact, these scientists claim to have the math to back this theory up. They call this concept The Multiverse. I began thinking about how there are a lot of parallels between this and how are own universe is constructed on microscopic and macroscopic scale. The atom itself is indeed a bubble and some of the largest things in space, massive stars, are bubbles as well, bubbles of immense gas. The first life on earth advanced  when multi-cellular animals formed walls or bubbles strong enough to protect their individual cells and more importantly the  DNA in them from the elements. All animals since have become increasingly complex multi-cellular animals , that use the  basis construct of the cell, or bubble, as the only pattern or blueprint available for all living matter.

That brings us to us, Human Beings. The most complex multi-cellular living creatures in the known universe. We are vast collection of millions of individual cells or bubbles encased in a muti-cellular wall called skin that is indeed a kind of bubble. Going further each of our individual human lives are a form of bubble of which we seemingly the center of, everything  seems to revolve around us, family, friends, life's events and everything else. As I discussed In the Grand Paradox of Being, contrary to all practical evidence to the contrary, we all seem to be living in our own private bubble universe, When I was a child, when ever I became particularly demanding about something or other, my mother would stop me with the query, "Who do you think you are? The only pebble on the beach?" The line was designed to put me in my place, and indeed, it worked. Making me realize I was just one of countless others, no more more important than anyone of the billions of Human Beings that inhabit the Earth.

But actually, from my perspective, I AM THE ONLY PEBBLE ON THE BEACH, OR AT LEAST, IN MY VIEW, THE MOST IMPORTANT PEBBLE.  Why, since I'm really not that important in the grand scheme of things do I suffer from the persistent illusion that I am?

I think the answer is two-fold. One has to do with the presence of a sort of universal relativity, the other has to do with the almost unlimited potential I possess as a denizen of the most sophisticated form of living matter extant. 

First, I seem more important than everything around me because relatively I am. Without me existing relatively nothing else exists. The entire universe, and everything in it exists only in relation to me. The fundamental forces of the Universe, the thee dimensions of space, and even the dimension of time, are all experienced by me in my position and relation to them. Where I am at any given time and place is completely governed by my physical and mental perspective of it. For example, I may exist for an  extremely brief period of time relative to the 13.7 billion years the cosmos has existed, but from my perspective I have lived a relative virtual eternity. To me, I have lived all the time there ever was to experience.

Another reason Human Beings feel overly special, is compared to every other thing in existence animate or inanimate WE ARE SPECIAL. EXTREMELY SPECIAL We can do things that no other creature living or dead can do. We can manipulate and control our environment at a level unprecedented in the history of the known cosmos. We have exhibited a deep understanding of our universe that is light years beyond anything any other known creature living or extinct has ever manifested. It also appears we are just scratching the surface of our immense potential. I know that there are a lot of naysayers out there that think we are ultimately screw-ups that will eventually destroy ourselves. Man does have its share of low self esteem issues. But if you take a more objective view of the long arc of human history, especially our recent history, the future of mankind is so bright, we gotta wear shades. The sooner we realize this, and come to grips with the incredible powers we possess both individually and collectively, THAT IT IS INDEED ALL ABOUT US,  EACH OF US, AND ALL OF US, BOTH RELATIVELY AND LITERALLY, the sooner we will be on the road to maximizing that potential.

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