Monday, May 23, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Who knows what the universe is really about. But we are obviously the painful result of billions of years of the labored efforts of its painful gestations. Us. A reaction to everything that has has happened before in the twisted fabric of space time, and through our progeny, a factor in the ultimate fate of the Universe. We are creatures designed and sculptured by the past. A creature of oxygen and gravity and random historical chance. A DNA crapshoot. Chaos meeting the practical purpose of being. A manifestation of the Universes original oneness and the endless diaspora of chaos it has become. A chemical solution to an existential dilemma . The Universe trying to hone in on itself. Trying to understand itself. Trying to make sense of itself. The Universe trying to create a God that was absent at its creation and has always been sorely missed since. Man is the only thing remotely resembling God in the known Universe. Man is God. Face it. Deal with it. It's time to embrace this notion and run with it. Only by recognizing the immense power each of us and all of us posses can we effectively deal with the always dangerous present and an ever precarious future.
Gods and Aliens, if they exist at all,have so far refused to show themselves, and their cosmic silence is deafening. Human Beings are the only powerful creatures that can be proven to exist using the Scientific Method. We may not be alone, but we are the only ones, up until now, that have bothered to show up to the party.
If your asking for Jesus to take the wheel, no one is driving the car. If your following God's plan, your following no plan at all. As the song says, you need to be your own Personal Jesus. You need to the savior, the Jesus, of your own life, and the God of your own Universe. You need to start believing and nurturing the almost unlimited mental and spiritual powers billions of years of evolution on this planet have deposited in you. You have the power and ability to create any kind of private, personal Universe you desire, and collectively, by simply harnessing the amazing, unique abilities each of us possess, we can together create the kind of Future for mankind we all desire and deserve.
Your faith isn't raising you up, it's actually keeping you down. Your belief in God,
is preventing you from truly believing in your self. I'm not saying these things to disparage or discourage anyone, but instead I am trying to encourage everyone. Belief in God actually makes you feel powerless, belief in yourself instead empowers YOU.
So let me break it down for you. It is ALL ON US. Individually and collectively, to make the kind of world we want happen. Aliens aren't coming with the Calvary, and God isn't coming with a rescue party. We all must fight are own battles for material and spiritual survival. That is the way of a hard Universe. A tough a universe. A Universe that has forged us through cosmic trial and error, to become its ONLY KNOWN MASTERS. At least until something provably better, and demonstrably superior comes along, we all need to take the bull by the horns and LEAD, dammit.
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Who knows what the universe is really about. But we are obviously the painful result of billions of years of the labored efforts of its painful gestations. Us. A reaction to everything that has has happened before in the twisted fabric of space time, and through our progeny, a factor in the ultimate fate of the Universe. We are creatures designed and sculptured by the past. A creature of oxygen and gravity and random historical chance. A DNA crapshoot. Chaos meeting the practical purpose of being. A manifestation of the Universes original oneness and the endless diaspora of chaos it has become. A chemical solution to an existential dilemma . The Universe trying to hone in on itself. Trying to understand itself. Trying to make sense of itself. The Universe trying to create a God that was absent at its creation and has always been sorely missed since. Man is the only thing remotely resembling God in the known Universe. Man is God. Face it. Deal with it. It's time to embrace this notion and run with it. Only by recognizing the immense power each of us and all of us posses can we effectively deal with the always dangerous present and an ever precarious future.
Gods and Aliens, if they exist at all,have so far refused to show themselves, and their cosmic silence is deafening. Human Beings are the only powerful creatures that can be proven to exist using the Scientific Method. We may not be alone, but we are the only ones, up until now, that have bothered to show up to the party.
If your asking for Jesus to take the wheel, no one is driving the car. If your following God's plan, your following no plan at all. As the song says, you need to be your own Personal Jesus. You need to the savior, the Jesus, of your own life, and the God of your own Universe. You need to start believing and nurturing the almost unlimited mental and spiritual powers billions of years of evolution on this planet have deposited in you. You have the power and ability to create any kind of private, personal Universe you desire, and collectively, by simply harnessing the amazing, unique abilities each of us possess, we can together create the kind of Future for mankind we all desire and deserve.
Your faith isn't raising you up, it's actually keeping you down. Your belief in God,
is preventing you from truly believing in your self. I'm not saying these things to disparage or discourage anyone, but instead I am trying to encourage everyone. Belief in God actually makes you feel powerless, belief in yourself instead empowers YOU.
So let me break it down for you. It is ALL ON US. Individually and collectively, to make the kind of world we want happen. Aliens aren't coming with the Calvary, and God isn't coming with a rescue party. We all must fight are own battles for material and spiritual survival. That is the way of a hard Universe. A tough a universe. A Universe that has forged us through cosmic trial and error, to become its ONLY KNOWN MASTERS. At least until something provably better, and demonstrably superior comes along, we all need to take the bull by the horns and LEAD, dammit.
Sent from my iPad
Friday, May 20, 2016
So I was watching the first episode of The Story of God with Morgan Freeman. He starts off with a near death experience from a man who is almost drowned at Sea. The man held his breath while he was underwater for as long as he could and then he resigned himself to the inevitable and breathed in the salt water. He was for all intents and purposes dead, and experienced a variation of the standard Near Death Experience (or NDE) being drawn into a bright multi colored light and feeling a sense of well-being then he hadn't really felt before. One unique detail about his particular near death experience was intriguing to me, and another fairly standard detail got me thinking.
The unique detail was that he felt a connection, a relationship to that light that was more intense than any relationship he had ever had in life. In other words, he had felt more a part of the universe and more connected to it in death, than he ever had while living. Can it be, then, that living itself creates a sense of separation and distance from the universe, and alienation that does not exist in the more "normal" condition of not living? That in the afterlife, the connection between us and the universe is more readily apparent? That while living we are part of "the other", and in the after life part of the whole?
Meanwhile, the more standard detail led me to a tenuous grasp of understanding that the experience of "the otherness" of living, it's feeling of disconnect from the universe at large, is some how necessary to the advancement of the universe as a whole.
Let me explain, the other detail, was that at the very last moment, This being of pure light and understanding told him that "it was not HIS TIME, and that he HAD A UNIQUE PURPOSE" the Universe needed him to fulfill.
This, is pretty standard NDE stuff. It seems like almost everyone who comes back from the brink of death relates something similar. My question is, is why would the universe convey this sentiment to us, in this ultimate moment of existential crisis, after giving us a glimpse, a taste, of the beautiful cosmic inclusiveness the after-life seems to offer?
I mean, it appears that this man just gets a tiny sample of cosmic bliss and its accompanying sense of spiritual wholeness, and then that rug is summarily yanked out from under him, and he is told he must go back into the realm of the living to fulfill some undefined purpose or perform some unexplained task that is somehow essential to either the future of the Universe or this individual's soul or both. In any case, the exact mission is unclear but this man is not given a choice, HE MUST GO BACK! THE UNIVERSE HAS SPOKEN, and it apparently brooks no argument in this matter, or allows any dissent.
The conclusion must be reached from this that this person's "cosmic purpose" trumps all other considerations here. That the Universe knows at any given random moment whether a person's individual destiny has, or has not, been realized. Which implies that the Universe knows the future, and the intricate part every single living thing plays in it.
Let's take a second to digest the implications of all this. In these near death experiences the Universe's intention are generally conveyed by an entity of pure energy or light, though sometimes these things are expressed by forms familiar to us like the spirits of dead family or friends. But they are always presented with a certitude that a return to living must happen, or has to happen for everything to be right with the universe. That we all have a role to play in making sure this happens come hell or high water or life and death.That the future of the cosmos actually depends on it happening, and we are not allowed to leave this realm until we have fulfilled are mysterious "purpose".
Never mind that the man Morgan Freeman was talking to never revealed whether he had ever discerned what his purpose was in his subsequent years of living, or that such a thing is ever truly made discernible to anyone. Truth is a person's purpose could be any number of things, from the people or things we influence in an endless myriad of ways, to the lessons we learn from others or stuff we discover about ourselves. It could be this, it could be that, and we might get a sense of what it is, or even think we know what it is, but even then WE COULD BE WRONG.
So we go on a living, careening from event to event, blissfully unaware of whether we are fulfilling our purpose or not, until the Universe decides we have done it, and "our time" is up, and our seemingly absolutely essential contributions to the Universe has happened. The obvious implication being that if we all don't achieve our fundamental purpose, the whole Universe may collapse like a House of Cards.
This whole thing belies a highly structured deeply integrated Universe that is completely counter-intuitive to the random, chaotic, Universe we seem to find ourselves in. A Universe where every domino must fall just so for it to proceed correctly, versus the real Universe where the dominos fall out of bag and clatter to the floor randomly, in a cacophony of chaos and disorder.
So I am left with certain inevitable conclusions. That living matter is somehow a tool for organizing or ordering the Universe at large by a cosmic force that doesn't fit into our our generally accepted notions of what God is. A force of disembodied light and pure energy that sometimes uses the facsimiles of beings heretofore familiar to us to make its messages more palpable to us. But to those who are open to it, drops that pretense and appears nakedly as itself and seems to embody all the qualities of a Supreme Being or Supreme Force we could ask for, Infinite kindness, understanding, and acceptance, and Unconditional love despite our many flaws and bad decisions. Interestingly, this force of pure energy never seems to claim that it is God, or anything resembling a God that human beings have ever come up with. This force doesn't seem to care if your good or bad, or have done wonderful or even despicable things. What instead seems important to it, is whether or not not you have fulfilled your unique purpose or contributed what only you, in the unique combinations of the assets you possess, could manifest, or bring into being in the realm of the living.
I can only take from this that Near Death Experiences are entirely consistent with the over-arching theme of REVELATIONS AND SPECULATIONS, that the Universe, against all odds and reasonable understanding, is truly ALL ABOUT YOU AND CONVERSELY ALL ABOUT US AS A WHOLE, AND THE FUTURE OF OUR SMALL INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSES AND THE UNIVERSE AT LARGE IS PRETTY MUCH DEPENDANT ON US, EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US, AND ALL OF US AT THE SAME TIME.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
The universe appears to revolve around each of us, just like a much smaller bubble, The Atom, revolves around its nucleus.
I came to this insight when pondering the theory, offered by some physicists, that our universe is but one in a number of countless billions of bubble universe that occupy all of being. In fact, these scientists claim to have the math to back this theory up. They call this concept The Multiverse. I began thinking about how there are a lot of parallels between this and how are own universe is constructed on microscopic and macroscopic scale. The atom itself is indeed a bubble and some of the largest things in space, massive stars, are bubbles as well, bubbles of immense gas. The first life on earth advanced when multi-cellular animals formed walls or bubbles strong enough to protect their individual cells and more importantly the DNA in them from the elements. All animals since have become increasingly complex multi-cellular animals , that use the basis construct of the cell, or bubble, as the only pattern or blueprint available for all living matter.
That brings us to us, Human Beings. The most complex multi-cellular living creatures in the known universe. We are vast collection of millions of individual cells or bubbles encased in a muti-cellular wall called skin that is indeed a kind of bubble. Going further each of our individual human lives are a form of bubble of which we seemingly the center of, everything seems to revolve around us, family, friends, life's events and everything else. As I discussed In the Grand Paradox of Being, contrary to all practical evidence to the contrary, we all seem to be living in our own private bubble universe, When I was a child, when ever I became particularly demanding about something or other, my mother would stop me with the query, "Who do you think you are? The only pebble on the beach?" The line was designed to put me in my place, and indeed, it worked. Making me realize I was just one of countless others, no more more important than anyone of the billions of Human Beings that inhabit the Earth.
But actually, from my perspective, I AM THE ONLY PEBBLE ON THE BEACH, OR AT LEAST, IN MY VIEW, THE MOST IMPORTANT PEBBLE. Why, since I'm really not that important in the grand scheme of things do I suffer from the persistent illusion that I am?
I think the answer is two-fold. One has to do with the presence of a sort of universal relativity, the other has to do with the almost unlimited potential I possess as a denizen of the most sophisticated form of living matter extant.
First, I seem more important than everything around me because relatively I am. Without me existing relatively nothing else exists. The entire universe, and everything in it exists only in relation to me. The fundamental forces of the Universe, the thee dimensions of space, and even the dimension of time, are all experienced by me in my position and relation to them. Where I am at any given time and place is completely governed by my physical and mental perspective of it. For example, I may exist for an extremely brief period of time relative to the 13.7 billion years the cosmos has existed, but from my perspective I have lived a relative virtual eternity. To me, I have lived all the time there ever was to experience.
Another reason Human Beings feel overly special, is compared to every other thing in existence animate or inanimate WE ARE SPECIAL. EXTREMELY SPECIAL We can do things that no other creature living or dead can do. We can manipulate and control our environment at a level unprecedented in the history of the known cosmos. We have exhibited a deep understanding of our universe that is light years beyond anything any other known creature living or extinct has ever manifested. It also appears we are just scratching the surface of our immense potential. I know that there are a lot of naysayers out there that think we are ultimately screw-ups that will eventually destroy ourselves. Man does have its share of low self esteem issues. But if you take a more objective view of the long arc of human history, especially our recent history, the future of mankind is so bright, we gotta wear shades. The sooner we realize this, and come to grips with the incredible powers we possess both individually and collectively, THAT IT IS INDEED ALL ABOUT US, EACH OF US, AND ALL OF US, BOTH RELATIVELY AND LITERALLY, the sooner we will be on the road to maximizing that potential.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
So in comparing ourselves to the ever increasing enormity of the universe, Human Beings are infinitesimally small and insignificant by comparison. Our short lifespans are just a blink of an eye in the face of a universe that scientists currently say is 13.7 billion years old. Since the universe is that old, no one can say with a straight face that we are the point and purpose of the universe. We most certainly have not been around near long enough to be considered any thing more than an afterthought in the cosmic scheme of things, a random by-product of the prevalent forces, a minuscule side effect of the fundamental of physics, and a billionth of a nano-second in the grand arc of time.
Thus the universe can't be about us or have been created for us, but THE GRAND PARADOX OF BEING is that it seems to us THAT IT IS. The universe spreads out before us in all directions as if we are indeed the center of it, and according to physicists, because the Big Bang happened everywhere at once simultaneously, and the universe is so unbelievably vast, everything in the universe is technically at the center of it. Each of us as individuals are obviously patently unimportant in the vast scheme of things. But all of us are visited by the persistent illusion that it is all about us. Though this notion may be illusory, it none the less seems powerfully real TO US.
Despite our actual insignificance, as far as each one of us is concerned, we are at the center of our own bubble universe, and our obviously the most important person in it. It seems to us that everything revolves around us and starts and ends with us even though we are actually a relatively microscopic part of it all and are not the start and end to anything other than than ourselves. The space of time we occupy is actually unbelievably brief, but from our perspective and frame of reference it's a virtual eternity.
Going further, everything in the universe, whether it is animate or inanimate matter, or a particle on the Quantum level, every molecule, atom, quark , or a piece of dark energy and matter is basically the center of the universe as well. EVERY SINGLE THING IS AT THE CENTER AND EDGE OF EVERYTHING SIMULTANEOUSLY. EVERYTHING SIMULTANEOUSLY MATTERS AND DOESNT MATTER AT ALL.
The eternal irony is that only living matter can experience this GRAND PARADOX OF BEING. More precisely, in the known universe. only highly evolved and complex living matter, ONLY US, can truly contemplate this paradox. All other living matter in the known universe, by virtue of its sensory and mental limitations, is incapable of contemplating it.
So the GRAND PARADOX OF BEING is that despite are actual insignificance, from our perspective we are the most important thing in the universe and everything else is mere ambient background noise. To each is us the universe is ALL ABOUT US.
The universe we live in is unimaginably vast and incomprehensibly big. In fact it is bigger than we have the mental architecture to imagine and it's getting bigger at an astonishing rate every moment of its existence. Edwin Hubble proved that by showing that galaxies were moving away from each at an ever increasing rate in 1929. Just imagine how much larger the universe has gotten since then.
So in comparing ourselves to the ever increasing enormity of the universe, Human Beings are infinitesimally small and insignificant by comparison. Our short lifespans are just a blink of an eye in the face of a universe that scientists currently say is 13.7 billion years old. Since the universe is that old, no one can say with a straight face that we are the point and purpose of the universe. We most certainly have not been around near long enough to be considered any thing more than an afterthought in the cosmic scheme of things, a random by-product of the prevalent forces, a minuscule side effect of the fundamental of physics, and a billionth of a nano-second in the grand arc of time.
Thus the universe can't be about us or have been created for us, but THE GRAND PARADOX OF BEING is that it seems to us THAT IT IS. The universe spreads out before us in all directions as if we are indeed the center of it, and according to physicists, because the Big Bang happened everywhere at once simultaneously, and the universe is so unbelievably vast, everything in the universe is technically at the center of it. Each of us as individuals are obviously patently unimportant in the vast scheme of things. But all of us are visited by the persistent illusion that it is all about us. Though this notion may be illusory, it none the less seems powerfully real TO US.
Despite our actual insignificance, as far as each one of us is concerned, we are at the center of our own bubble universe, and our obviously the most important person in it. It seems to us that everything revolves around us and starts and ends with us even though we are actually a relatively microscopic part of it all and are not the start and end to anything other than than ourselves. The space of time we occupy is actually unbelievably brief, but from our perspective and frame of reference it's a virtual eternity.
Going further, everything in the universe, whether it is animate or inanimate matter, or a particle on the Quantum level, every molecule, atom, quark , or a piece of dark energy and matter is basically the center of the universe as well. EVERY SINGLE THING IS AT THE CENTER AND EDGE OF EVERYTHING SIMULTANEOUSLY. EVERYTHING SIMULTANEOUSLY MATTERS AND DOESNT MATTER AT ALL.
The eternal irony is that only living matter can experience this GRAND PARADOX OF BEING. More precisely, in the known universe. only highly evolved and complex living matter, ONLY US, can truly contemplate this paradox. All other living matter in the known universe, by virtue of its sensory and mental limitations, is incapable of contemplating it.
So the GRAND PARADOX OF BEING is that despite are actual insignificance, from our perspective we are the most important thing in the universe and everything else is mere ambient background noise. To each is us the universe is ALL ABOUT US.
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